Gay sex cartoon animals

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prepare to face down Emperor Belos at the Day of Unity celebration, Amity, finds herself locked in her bedroom by her overbearing mother like some kind of Rapunzel. It’s a first for main characters in a Disney cartoon, and it’s perfect. And now, our magical queer love birds have kissed! Right on their adorable cartoon mouths with cheeks blushing like boiling rain! And they’ve pecked each other on their cheeks.

Mostly they’ve just been trying to save the world together.

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They’ve danced around their feelings for each other (literally and metaphorically). AGAIN! Our heroine, Luz, has gone from enemies to girlfriends with mean-girl-turned-good-girl Amity Blight. And the penultimate episode of The Owl House‘s second season just proved me right.

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I keep saying over and over to anyone who’ll listen that the best queer representation happening on TV right now - and, in fact, in the past eight years or so - is in the form of queer cartoons made by queer creators. The 200 Best Lesbian, Bisexual & Queer Movies Of All Time.LGBTQ Television Guide: What To Watch Now.

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